Abra Finance FAQ

1. What is Abra Finance?

Abra Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Morph. We offer users a range of financial services, including liquidity provision, yield farming, and staking, all designed to be accessible and user-friendly. Our goal is to empower individuals by providing them with the tools they need to manage and grow their wealth in the crypto economy.

2. How do I start using Abra Finance?

Currently we are on MorphL2’s testnet! Join us https://testnet.abra.finance/

3. How do you ensure the security of my investments on Abra Finance?

Security is our top priority at Abra Finance. We implement multiple layers of security measures, including regular audits by reputable blockchain security companies, use of secure smart contract protocols, and encryption of transactions. Additionally, we continually update our security practices to address new threats as they arise.

4. Can I trade any cryptocurrency on Abra Finance?

Currently we provided USDT, UNI & WETH.

5. What are the fees associated with using Abra Finance?

Abra Finance strives to maintain transparency about all fees to ensure users are fully informed before conducting transactions. Our fees are competitive and are detailed on our platform, including transaction fees for trading, withdrawal fees, and any other applicable service charges. Fees are subject to change based on network conditions and market dynamics.

Last updated